SEO audit

We analyze your website to detect the technical issues that affect your website performance and need to be fixed.

We fix technical issues and optimize the website content to improve its performance and ranking on Google search results.

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How do we perform an SEO audit and optimiza your website?

The SEO audit step allows us to see how healthy is your website and what actions need to be taken to improve your website performance. We apply the below techniques, and tactics to increase the number of visitors to your website by obtaining a better ranking in the search results page of a search engine.



seo audit

Through keyword strategy, we can identify how your potential clients actually search for your services. Then we choose the best keywords with search volume and low competition.

An SEO audit is the base foundation of an effective SEO campaign. It uncovers current technical issues and gives you an actionable roadmap for what needs to be tackled to improve your website performance.

Backlinks are one of the most important factors that define the authority and credibility of your website. When auditing your backlinks, we’ll be looking for new domains with great authority to be linked to your website.

Whatever the nature of your business, mobile is still the first device used to look for information. Being mobile-friendly is one of the best ways to reach all your target audiences.

 We’ll track your website’s ranking for target keywords in the Google 100 organic results. See how the optimization efforts help your keyword rankings progress in organic search over time.

The speed of loading the website is one of the main factors of bounce rate. When auditing your website, we’ll see how we can make it faster on desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.

Benefits of performing an SEO audit of your website

Our team is always happy to answer your questions. Contact us at any moment!

Full-stack SEM services

We strive to offering a full stack of SEM services

SEO Audit

We detect and fix the technical issues that affect the website ranking, crawlability, content, links, loading speed.


Internal links

Website SEO

We fix technical SEO issues that may impact your ranking and adapt your website to your target audience.


Website traffic analysis
Competitive Analysis
On-page SEO
Backlink Creation


We support you in promoting your business and to attract more traffic to your website and convert them into leads or customers.


Inbound marketing strategy
PPC Advertising

Learn more about SEO audit

Our team is always happy to answer your questions. Contact us at any moment!

What is an SEO audit ?
An SEO audit consists of collecting a position obtained by a website on the various search engines and on a defined universe of queries related to the activity of the site.

For each retained keyword and search engine, the SEO audit reports the page of appearance of the website and its position on this page.

In its most advanced and relevant versions, the SEO audit can establish a visibility score that consists of assigning points for the presence on each keyword. The points are awarded according to the volume of requests on the keyword, the place obtained in the SERP and the share of research or part of the engine track.

The establishment of a visibility score makes it possible to observe the evolution of the quality of SEO over time on the same keyword universe.

The SEO audit is usually done using a software or specialized service.

The SEO audit may also include an analysis phase to explain the causes of any gaps encountered.

Why is a website audit important ?
The website audit aims to improve the ergonomics, design and commercial efficiency and marketing of a website. It is generally based on quantitative studies (online surveys) and qualitative studies (interviews, test visits, expert analysis, etc.) and also by an analysis of visitors’ behavior.
What is a search visibility score ?
In the SEO context, a visibility score is a ranking score of a website on the search results pages of the major search engines. It normally reflects the overall quality of SEO on a set of keywords and allows for comparisons of the quality of SEO over time.

The visibility score is calculated and provided in the referencing reports or audits performed by specialized software for the analysis of positioning on the engines.

Each tool has its own template for calculating a SEO score. The score is usually obtained from the positions obtained on the different keywords and different engines. Each position gives a score weighted by the market share of the engine and the frequency of use of the keyword by Internet users. In some cases the weighting relative to each keyword is made directly by the user of the audit software.

Website audit Key Performance Indicators
KPIs stands for Key Performance Indicators.

The KPI can be used in the field of management, marketing or also in audience analysis of a website.

In a marketing context, key performance indicators are used to determine the factors taken into account to measure the effectiveness or profitability of a campaign. For a direct marketing action, the retained KPIs can be for example the number of catalogs requested, the number of orders made and the turnover generated.

For an e-commerce site, the KPI will often be the turnover, the conversion rate, the bounce rate, etc.

For the audience analysis of a non-commercial website, the KPIs can be for example the number of subscribers newsletters, the number of completed forms, the number of calls on a specific green number and the orders resulting from these. calls.

KPIs can be grouped into a dashboard to track their progress.

Go Seo Experts

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Anatole France 1210, Colinas de San Jeronimo, Monterrey, Nuevo León, México.


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